How do I hide or delete a comment from a post on my Page on Facebook?

How do I hide or delete a comment from a post on my Facebook Page? - We are humans and prone to mistakes hence, we will show you how to delete any error comment that someone or yourself have made on a Facebook post. If you are an admin of a the said FB page, we will show you how to hide a negative comment on your Facebook page. Check out: How do I tag people or Pages in photos on Facebook?

Negative comments can ruin product sales, image, etc. So let get started...

How do I hide or delete a comment from a post on my Page on Facebook?

How do I hide or delete a comment from a post on my Page on Facebook?

When you hide a comment from a post on your Page, the comment will only be visible to the person who wrote it and their friends. When you delete a comment from a post on your Page, the comment will be permanently removed from the post.

How to hide a comment from a post on your Page:

  • Hover over the comment
  • Click   (...) and select Hide Comment

How to delete a comment from a post on your Page

  • Hover over the comment
  • Click  (...) and select Hide Comment
  • Click Delete

After you hide a comment, you also can ban the person or Page or report the comment if it doesn't follow the Facebook Community Standards .
How do I hide or delete a comment from a post on my Page on Facebook? How do I hide or delete a comment from a post on my Page on Facebook? Reviewed by Efukikata Efet on 08:01 Rating: 5

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